Friday, December 20, 2019

Who moved my cheese Essay - 811 Words

Who Moved My Cheese? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I agree that fear does drive me everyday. From early in the morning until I go to bed at night. I’m afraid if I stay in bed and don’t go to work, I’ll be fired. I’m afraid if I don’t pretend to like everyone at work that they won’t like me. I’m afraid that if I tell my boss what I really think of his idea, he’ll find a way to fire me. I’m afraid that if I don’t attend the parent meeting at school, they will think I’m a bad parent. These are just a few of the fears that run through my mind. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sometimes I wonder what life would be like to just tell people what I really think of them, instead of staying silent because I’m afraid of what they’ll think. Sometimes†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;My father left our family when I was around 12 years old and never kept any contact with us. I always wanted to call him or write him and tell him how horrible I thought he was for that. But, of course because of my fear of confrontation, I did not. Instead, I send him Christmas and birthday cards each year and pretend it never happened. It is easier to me than dealing with it. I guess you would call that, a fear of dealing with negative feelings. I will never do that to my children. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Speaking of children, I have lots of fears concerning them. I fear they will make the same mistakes I did and not learn the same valuable lessons. I fear they will be disappointed and not be able to deal with it. I fear they will grow up and not use their minds, as they should. I fear them not choosing the right path. Most of all I fear they will not be happy with themselves. The fears I have about my children are some of my greatest fears. I do not want them to be unhappy. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I have been at my mother in-laws house before, after a big dinner and I didn’t want to help with the dishes because none my of sister in-laws would. But, I feared they would be angry with me if I didn’t help, so I did. Had I told them what I really thought I might not have to ever go back there again or I might not even be married? Then that brings on anotherShow MoreRelatedWho Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson1037 Words   |  4 PagesWho Moved My Cheese? is a motivational book written by Spencer Johnson in the form of a business fable. The book was said to be written to reveal profound truths to individuals and organizations dealing with change. Mr. Johnson has sold over 26 million copies and published his work in 37 different languages putting it amongst the best-selling books of all time. Mr. Johnson saw the discouragement that overcame people after failing to adjust to something that has altered their lives so he was influenceRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese1185 Words   |  5 Pages Who Moved My Cheese Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, tells the story of how our surrounding environment changes, how we need deal with these changes instead of adapting to it, and how to succeed in life. In this story there are four characters: two mice, Sniff and Scurry and two litter people Haw and Hem, all of them looking for cheese in the maze to survive. Every day, they put their jogging suit and their running shoes to find their favorite cheese. The two mice use the try error methodRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese?1579 Words   |  7 Pagesprepared for it. Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson, is a short parable about four different characters adapting or not adapting to unexpected change. This story and the lessons it contains, can serve as a guideline to adapting to change in both one’s professional and personal life. But change is a difficult and frightening experience, and resistance to change is often also an undeniable fact of life. The Four Characters There are four characters in Who Moved My Cheese? who can each representRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese817 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Who Moved My Cheese is a well-articulated business fable about how to deal with change in organizations, personal life, and in various situations involving changing paradigms. There are four characters identified in the fable and are described in the below figure. It’s important to note that both Sniff and Scurry are mice in the story and Hem and Haw represent two little people. This paper is being written with the objective of identifying the character in the fable whichRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese1896 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Who Moved My Cheese? tells a story of change, of how we react to it, and the trouble we can find ourselves in when we dont follow that change. The story is about four characters, two mice, and two little people. The characters live in a maze chasing cheese. The cheese represents anything we chase after in life and believe it will make us happy. The story details the trials and troubles we all have in daily lives. Book Summary Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson, is a parableRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese?817 Words   |  4 PagesWho Moved My Cheese? â€Æ' Ever read a story that relates to your personal life? I just recently read the story Who Moved My Cheese? , By Spencer Johnson. I’m not much of a reader, but this story really made me think. This story makes you think about the way you live your life and how you deal with change in your life. The author could have easily just given the message in a few paragraphs, but he gave the messages in a story involving two mice and two little people stuck in a maze. They all areRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese1509 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract â€Å"Who Moved My Cheese† is a story about the simplicities and complications of life. The differences between the four characters depict each of our emotional states and how we react to change in our lives. Who Moved My Cheese is a story about the simplicities and complications of life. The differences between the four characters depict each of our emotional states and how we react to change in our lives. The four characters are Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw who reveal the different stages weRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese?876 Words   |  4 Pages In the video â€Å"Who Moved My Cheese?† the mice that were less complex minded, inventoried their food â€Å"cheese† daily and realized the need for change with situation (shortage). On the other hand, the two little men got comfortable in familiar surroundings, letting their guard down, and not realizing the subtle changes in their environment. The two little men followed their daily route to the food, only to notice the food was gone. â€Å"Hem† one of the two men believed that the cheese would come backRead MoreWho Moved My Cheese?905 Words   |  4 PagesWho Moved My Cheese? is a story of four characters: two mice ( Sn iff and Scurry) and two little people ( Hem and Haw), The characters live in a maze and are in constant search for cheese. Every morning the mice and the humans went their separate ways, through the corridors and hallways of the maze, in search of cheese. One day both groups stumble upon a â€Å"Cheese Station C.† This corridor had more cheese than any other. Pleased with their findings, Hem and Haw started to get more and more comfortableRead MoreReflection on Who Moved My Cheese1731 Words   |  7 PagesWho Moved My Cheese? This book, by Spencer Johnson, reveals the truths about how we deal with change that happens in our lives which effects us in so many ways, either positively or negatively. The book takes an amusing approach to what happens when you don’t adapt to change and what happens when you do. In the book, cheese is used as a metaphor for what you want to have in life. All my life I wanted the nice house, the beautiful wife, the kids, money, the dog, the nice tuck to pull the nice

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