Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Gentle Art of Web Pages Essay -- Web Internet Design Essays Papers

The Gentle Art of Web Pages For the last millennium, adventurous souls have been accessing new and unfamiliar frontiers in search of adventure and a taste of the exotic. The last decade ushered in with it an appeal to the more intrepid members of this small group of people: The Internet. Access to this particular medium has hit an all-time high in the 1990's, and every tekkie has his own celebration of self occupying space on it. However, not all of the sites on the Internet are shameless celebrations of self. Some of these pages can be found to have their roots in the archaic designs of the past; some are the logical progression for a technological innovation such as the internet. One of these progressions, cyberpunk, the 90's answer to the technological underdog, has made its presence known on the Internet; science fiction pages also abound. These sites have brought with them some of the most innovative and artistic features of hypertext mark-up language (HTML) ever conceived. One site in particular, the Sci-Fi Channel homepage, Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion , has properties unlike any other seen on the Internet. Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion is the shining example of a good web site because it contains the characteristics of a flawless page: the information is concise and well-organized, the graphics displayed are both aesthetically pleasing and practical, it contains features that are not seen anywhere else, and it is easy to use and understand. The creators of the Sci-Fi channel felt it their professional obligation to carve out their own section of cyberspace; hence the existence of the page at "http://www.s... ...enced web surfers and internet neophytes will find this page easy to use and understand. The first hurdle overcome by the designers (which is getting users to find and understand the site), the visitor can now concentrate on delving deeper into the site. Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion is one of the most innovative web sites on the Internet at this time. It's use of aesthetically pleasing and practical graphics, of HTML features not seen anywhere else, and of information which is concise and well-organized, as well as the fact that it is easy to use and understand make this the template from which all other homepages should be made. What's more, the fact that it is a commercial site makes it more credible than a one made by a fan of the channel. As a result, the Internet would be easier to utilize and more accessible, catapulting society into the 21st generation.

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